Reunion June 12-14, 2015
Summers Mill Retreat Belton, Texas
Preacher: Landon Speights
Song Leader: Weldon Kennedy
Attendance: 61
Song Leader: Weldon Kennedy
Attendance: 61
For the second year in a row, we met at Belton, Texas for our 2015 reunion. Aunt Martha could not attend as she was having cancer treatments in Houston and was not up to the travel. Miles Eckert was in attendance even though he had cataract surgery and still recovering from his bout with cancer. The oldest one in attendance was Janelle Sullivan who was 84 years old. Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Betsy and family could not attend due to his failing health. As the family members get older we are becoming aware of our short time on Earth and the importance of living our lives for Christ so that one day we can have a home with Him. James and Mary Jo taught their children well and so we rejoice in the time we have together as an earthly family and a spiritual family.